Believe What You Believe

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Joshua is Spied Upon

After Pamela and I had been playing Dark Age of Camelot for a while, Joshua insisted that he was old enough to play by himself. We allowed him to venture online alone, occasionally logging his online chats without his knowledge. Overall, he was a very polite, if somewhat erratic, player. Occasionally hilarity would ensue.

Joshua: no you are not !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You enter combat mode and target Faarooq
You can't attack a member of your realm!

Faarooq: yes i am what makes you think i am not
Faarooq: is that you m---
Joshua: no
Faarooq: who is it
Joshua: joshua
Faarooq: o ok
Faarooq: what makes you think i am not a girl
Joshua: do you kno me?
Faarooq: yes i think i do
Joshua: who are you then
Faarooq: who am i what do you mean
Faarooq: are you sure your not m---
Faarooq: you talk like him
Faarooq: you type like him
Joshua: wat is the rest of the name?
Faarooq: c---
Faarooq: are you playing games with me
Faarooq: i no its you
Joshua: no i am not c---
Faarooq: you type like him
Faarooq: you act like him
Faarooq: and m--- always plays tricks on me saying he is not
Faarooq: o
Joshua: i dont care if i type like like him i am not c---
Faarooq: if i got it wrong i am sorry
Faarooq: plz dont get like that
Joshua: do you no any one named joshua?
Faarooq: that name rings a bell
Joshua: wat
Faarooq: ok yes i do
Joshua: ar you k-----
Faarooq: is he your brother
Joshua: no
Faarooq: well the the =^Oo is he then
Joshua: it is a she
Faarooq: o ok
Joshua: do you no me
Faarooq: well sorry i got it wrong all i am saying is i am a girl
Faarooq: no i dont no you
You target Faarooq
You examine Faarooq. He is a member of the Warrior class in your realm.
You have invited Faarooq to join your group.

Faarooq: your playing games with the master lol
Faarooq: are you playing games with me
Joshua: no!

After we read this log we severely reminded him that it was not OK to tell people his real name online. We told him to lie and make up a name like everyone else on the internet.

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