Believe What You Believe

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Next Lesson: Summary Exercise

So far you have learned to put text in a window, write a paragraph, add bold and italics (remember, here they call them strong and emphasis), add links, add pictures, and link pictures. Not too shabby! These are the basic tools that all bloggers use.

So your next assignment will be to do all these together in one paragraph.

Post a blog entry that has:
1) A paragraph.
2) Some bold text.
3) Some italics text.
4) At least one link.
5) At least one picture of a small size, that is also linked.

And make it all look like you meant it to turn out that way!

I'll let you pick the next lesson. Choose whether we are going to do Lists, Tables, or Text Tricks for your next assignment.

  • Lists!
  • Lists are easy ways
  • of showing
  • a number of items.
  1. Some lists
  2. can have numbers.
  • All lists
    • can be "nested",
    • which means they
      • can be put inside
    • each other.
Tables!Tables are cool! You can do all sorts of things with tables.
This part of a table is called a "cell". Check out this colored cell.
I colored the border of this cell with your favorite color.

There are many things we can do with plain old text, like:

Text is BIG

yeah yeah yeah

it's not small

no no no!

Text can have color!

Text can look like it came out of a typewriter

We can change the "font".

Font means the style of the text letters.

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Next Assignment: Do it again.

Why does the text wrap around this picture?Joshua's next assignment is to repeat the previous assignment until he gets it right. Hopefully, he will remember to go here to read the instructions.

Joshua will get an extra 25 points of credit if he can figure out why the text wraps around the picture in this blog entry and makes the picture in his assignment do the same thing.

Will he do it? Find out tomorrow in "The Nerdification of Joshua!"

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Grade: Why i like this picture - F

Unfortunately, Joshua did not carefully read his assignment. Here's how the scoring went:

1) Find a small picture on another site that he likes. -10
2) Write a paragraph about the site or the picture. -2
3) Have a text link to the page that the picture appears on. -20
4) Create an HTML image tag with uses that picture. 0
5) Make the picture also link to the page that the picture appears on. -20

Which totals to 48 out of a possible 100 points. F - Fail.

My son has successfully broken my heart. :(